Where is Miley’s Engagement Ring?

miley cyrus-gistzoneAlthough she said she would be keeping it cool with her music career and social life, her personal life seems to be getting more of people’s attention now. On Wednesday night, Miley was snapped leaving a studio in LA without her engagement ring. With the wedding rumors that has been everywhere and with this recent development, what should the fans of the young star think? The question that seems to be on everyone’s mouth now is …….Is Miley Cyrus still engaged?

10 Health Tips for Women to Stay Healthy in the Month of March

There are few tips you should pay attention to if you want to stay healthy and fit in this month of March. Many pay attention to their cars, clothes, mobile devises, gadgets, hair, nails, cosmetics and forget the most important aspect of their body which is their health. Here are 10 tips that you can use to stay healthy in this month of March.

Don’t Skip Breakfast

breaskfast-gistzoneTo keep your metabolism high and function at high levels, you have to make sure that you eat your breakfast before you set out for you day, doing this will keep healthy and fit through this month of March.




exercise-gistzonePerform at least 30 minutes cardio workout before you set out for the day. Sadly you find women who workout just to stay healthy, rather you will see those that workout to lose weight or shed pounds.



Have Sex at Least One a Week


“Schedule weekly orgasms; I call it getting your ‘vitamin O.’ Orgasms release hormones that boost emotional well-being and your immune system—and may even prolong life. If you don’t have a partner, for health’s sake, get a toy!”




Try Cool Party

cool party-gistzoneLike they say, all work and no play make Jack a dull boy. Going for parties once in a while relieves your nerves of the stress and hangovers especially if you are employed.



Reduce Your Salt Intake

salt-gistzoneYou may be a healthy young thing now, but half of women over 45 have high blood pressure, and a lot of that is due to sodium.



Maintain a Good Body Image

images-gistzoneHaving a good body image will play well to enhancing the way you see yourself and the extent that you will just to make yourself maintain that image. Women that have good body image tend to stay healthier than those who do not.




Keep Your Mouth Healthy

mouth healthy-gistzoneIf you don’t floss, at least use an electric toothbrush to get into crannies and fight gum disease.



Get a Pet

pet-gistzoneThere is no better way to keep yourself happy when you are at home than getting a pet. People with them tend to have better physical health, partly because you have to do active things to maintain them—walk the dog, play with the cat or clean a birdcage. Interacting with pets may also lower blood pressure, decrease anxiety and improve your mood. Its not expensive and certainly not difficult to have around.



Veggies and Fruits

fruits and veggies-gistzoneTo boost your immune system, you need to eat fruits and vegetables regularly to ensure that your body gets an ample amount of vitamins and minerals it needs for effective functioning. The secret is to eat veggies with every meal and that goes along with fruits also which can be taken before a meal or after a meal.




Medical Check up

medical-check up-gistzoneDevelop the habit of going to the doctor at the beginning or at the end of every month to know the state of your health and how well you have managed your health. Many women find it difficult to visit doctors, but you can develop the habit of going to the doctor.

The Truth About Kim’s Health and Pregnancy-Miscarriage Scare, all Rumor

pregnant kim-gistzoneThis is to inform all the fans of Kim and also the fans of Kanye West that nothing is wrong with her or the baby. The New York Post caused a scare that Kim was rushed to hospital on Tuesday because of the miscarriage, although she did visit her doctor, source disclosed that everything was fine and there was no cause for alarm. Because of her tight schedule and busy life, she was advised to get enough rest.

So if you are worried about the health of Kim and her baby, there is no reason to be, because everything is alright!!!

6 Tips on How to Get a Girl to Like You

how-to-get-a-girl to like you-gistzoneThere are certain things that girls look out for in a guy and once they see these things, they start to develop natural likeness for him. These things are what guys should place their focus on if they want to increase their chances of getting a girl to like them.

If you want to get a girl to like you, you should do these 6 tips that will be discussed in this short but informative article. This is not one of those articles that tell you about things that have not been tried before. This article is a result of many experiences I have had with the female folks, some good experiences while others bad…very bad.

Define Your Personality

One thing that girls dislike about any guy is having a borrowed personality. Girls want to know you for who you really are and what you are capable of doing. They do not want you living a life or behaving in a way that is not consistent with your character. So if you are the type that goes about altering who you are or your character just to please girls, then you are already losing it. So the main thing you should bear in mind is to be yourself.

Be Nice and Polite

Be nice, polite and of course gentle. These are the traits that every girl wants to see in her dream man, and if you display these characteristics, you have won her heart to an extent. Being nice encompasses or covers so many things, and some of these things are what will determine if she will start giving you some space in her heart.

Compliment Her Genuinely

Girls love compliments. But they know when someone is complimenting them just to get their attention, and that will not work well for anyone who does it. Pay genuine compliments not to impress but to make her feel important. Let me give you this advice, if you notice that she is not looking her best and she is someone that normally looks very fine, do not say anything because girls know when they are dressed well and when they are not, so to avoid making a fool of the girl and yourself, it is better you keep your compliment to yourself at this point.

Groom Yourself Well

Grooming is one of the major factors that girls look out for in guys. If you want to get a girl to like you, then you need to make sure that you are always neat and groomed. Your hair should always be at the right form, it should always be washed, brushed or combed and should always be low if you are not growing your hair.

Always smell nice and make sure that you always have fresh breath, because there is nothing that will scare a girl from than bad mouth odor. Also make sure that your clothing is very attractive and nice. Wear clothes that are your size and what fits your personality.

Respect Her Privacy

There will be times that you will be talking with a girl and you notice that she is trying to keep some information to herself, do not force her or pressurize her to give you the information just because you want to know, let her have her way and be boss for the moment, when it is right time, she will give you the information herself.

One thing you should keep in mind is that, once the time is right, a girl will pour out herself to you, but first you have to earn that trust before she can be able to do that.

Maintain a Good Sense of Humor

I once lost a lovely girl because I didn’t know how make her laugh, though it sounded funny and hurting then, it was later that I got to understand that girls love to be with guys that will make them feel happy. If you don’t know how to make a girl, then I suggest that you go learn how to do it, maybe you show watch videos, listen to jokes, learn how to make  yourself happy, doing these will improve your sense of humor.

There are different ways that you can use to get a girl to like you and these things are things you should put into work in your daily life, having said that, these few tips that I gave to you will help increase your chances of getting a girl to like you if you use them.